Adult Registration

Register with BSA

When registering with the BSA as an adult volunteer you will be asked to provide personal information to facilitate a background check.

Additionally you will be asked to create a log in for if you do not already have one. If you have taken YPT prior to registering with BSA as a volunteer you likely already have a login.

You will then be asked to pay for your registration ($60 as of 2023).

TROOP 55 REQUIRES THAT THREE(3) REFERENCES BE SUBMITTED WHEN REGISTERING WITH BSA. These references cannot be family members and at least two must be from outside of Scouting

If you have issues filling out this form on this page, CLICK HERE to open in new window. Please return to this page when finished.

Complete Youth Protection Training (YPT)

From the portal, click Menu then My Dashboard from the menu list. The My Training page displays to take Youth Protection training. Upon completion, you may print a training certificate

Complete Troop 55 Adult Survey