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Lions Honor, Bobcat Rank and Games Tigers Play

September 18, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Attention! Calling all K and 1st grade scouts, as well as any new Wolf scouts (2nd graders) who have not yet received their Bobcat rank (the first rank of scouting – all scouts of any age earn it before starting work on their current rank)! Let’s get our new scouts together for some outdoor fun and games. The event will be run by den chiefs and adult volunteers, but we will need the help of all the Lion and Tiger parents to make the event great. Come ready with suggestions for games to play with group. This is a recruiting event! Do you have a friend or neighbor with a K or 1st grade student? Invite them to come along and join in the fun! Bring Water, Sun Protection and a Healthy Snack (3 of your 6 Cub Scout Essentials) to keep you running. See the Bobcat and Games Tigers Play adventure requirements below.
1.Learn and say the Scout Oath, with help if needed.
2.Learn and say the Scout Law, with help if needed.
3.Show the Cub Scout sign. Tell what it means.
4.Show the Cub Scout handshake. Tell what it means.
5.Say the Cub Scout motto. Tell what it means.
6.Show the Cub Scout salute. Tell what it means.
7.With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide
Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law
The Scout Law has 12 points. Each is a goal for every Scout. A Scout tries to live up to the Law every day. It is not always easy to do, but a Scout always tries.
A Scout is:
•TRUSTWORTHY. Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you.
•LOYAL. Show that you care about your family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and country.
•HELPFUL. Volunteer to help others without expecting a reward.
•FRIENDLY. Be a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from you.
•COURTEOUS. Be polite to everyone and always use good manners.
•KIND. Treat others as you want to be treated . Never harm or kill any living thing without good reason.
•OBEDIENT. Follow the rules of your family, school, and pack. Obey the laws of your community and country.
•CHEERFUL. Look for the bright side of life. Cheerfully do tasks that come your way. Try to help others be happy.
•THRIFTY. Work to pay your own way. Try not to be wasteful. Use time, food, supplies, and natural resources wisely.
•BRAVE. Face difficult situations even when you feel afraid. Do what you think is right despite what others might be doing or saying.
•CLEAN. Keep your body and mind fit . Help keep your home and community clean.
•REVERENT. Be reverent toward God. Be faithful in your religious duties. Respect the beliefs of others.
Cub Scout Sign
The Cub Scout sign is made with the right arm held high and straight up above the shoulder, with the index and middle fingers forming a V. The other fingers are held down by the thumb. It’s the sign of Cub Scouts all over the world. The two raised fingers stand for the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. The fingers look like the sharp ears of the wolf ready to listen to Akela! Leaders and boys/girls should give the Cub Scout sign when repeating the Scout Oath or the Scout Law. The sign is also used in the Living Circle and other ceremonies.
Cub Scout Handshake
The Cub Scout handshake is made by putting the index and middle fingers of the right hand against the other person’s wrist when shaking hands. The handshake means that each Scout will help others to remember and obey the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Cub Scout Motto
Do your best.
Cub Scout Salute
The Cub Scout salute is made by joining the index and middle fingers of the right hand (holding the other fingers with the thumb) and touching them to the cap visor or forehead above the right eyebrow. The hand is held the same as for the Cub Scout sign, except the index and middle fingers are together. The salute is used to salute the flag when in uniform–otherwise hold your right hand over your heart. It can also be used when greeting other Scouts.
Adventure Goal: Young Tigers can have a difficult time with competition, and winning and losing. This adventure can help them develop appropriate sportsmanship, teamwork, listening, and following rules.
Adventure Requirements:
Complete Requirements 1 and 2 plus at least two others.
1) a) Play two initiative or team-building games with the members of your den.
b) Listen carefully to your leader while the rules are being explained, and follow directions when playing.
c) At the end of the game, talk with the leader about what you learned when you played the game. Tell how you helped the den by playing your part.
2) Talk with your den or family about why good nutrition helps you to be strong and active. Bring a nutritious snack to a den meeting. Share why you picked it and what makes it a good snack choice.
3) Make up a game with the members of your den, and play it with den members. After playing the game, talk with your den about the experience.
4) Make up a new game, and play it with your family or members of your den or pack. Then talk with the group about the experience.
5) Attend a sporting event with your den or family. Before or after the event, talk with a coach or athlete about what it is like to participate in the sport. OR Find out more about the sport and share what you’ve learned with your den or family members before or after the event.
For more information please visit: HTTPS://scoutbook.scouting.org/mobile/dashboard/calendar/event.asp?EventID=3635389


September 18, 2021
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Category:


St. John the Divine – North Lawn