- This event has passed.
Webelos Woods
October 1, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - October 3, 2021 @ 3:00 pm
October 1-3, 2021
Camp Brosig
1893 Trenckman Road
Sealy, TX 77474
All Pack 55 Webelos are encouraged to attend this awesome event designed just for Webelos! This event is being planned by our Twin Bayou District, and it will include participation from several local Scouts BSA Troops. It is a great way for our older scouts to see Scouts BSA in action, and to have fun learning some great skills. Final deadline for scout/adult registration is 9/25/2021, so we need to have our numbers confirmed by that date.
More information here:
Webelos Scouts will learn Scout skills and meet Scout troops in Twin Bayou District during round-robin style activities. Scout skills typically include:
First Aid: Learn how to handle first aid situations using the First Responder adventure skills,
Knots: Learn how to tie basic Webelos Scout knots, and/or whip rope ends (see Camper and Scouting Adventures)
Fire Building: Learn how to build and light a fire (see Castaway and Cast Iron Chef Adventures)
Lashings and Pioneering: Learn how to use knots and lashings to erect a tent, shelter tarp or flag pole. (see Castaway and Cast Iron Chef Adventures)
Cooking: Try to cook something and then taste it (Castaway and Cast Iron Chef Adventures)
Model Campsite: Set up a tent (Camper Adventure)
Compass: complete a short, simple compass course
Plant Identification: Identify basic trees, shrubs and plants in the area
What to Bring
Personal gear:
BSA Health and Medical form for every participant
Sleeping bag or bedroll
Jacket, raingear, hat
Extra change of clothes
Mess kit; camp cup
Personal items
Field uniform (Scout uniform) and activity uniform (Scout t-shirt)
Closed-toed shoes
Webelos Handbook (optional)
Hand sanitizer and wipes
Folding chairs
Webelos den gear:
Tents with ground cloth
Cooking gear and food
First aid kit (required – one per pack is acceptable)
Trash bags
Den flag
Den food for Friday night cracker barrel, Saturday breakfast, non-cooking lunch, dinner, Sunday non-cooking breakfast, and snacks.
Den menu and duty roster
Optional items: extra table, marshmallows and sticks, raised firebox and wood (if you want a fire), five-gallon buckets and shovel (to remove all ashes and unused wood), glow sticks, Boy Scout Handbook, canopy
For more information please visit: HTTPS://scoutbook.scouting.org/mobile/dashboard/calendar/event.asp?EventID=3645183