FC 9a: Citizenship Talk with Mr. Robert Wells

Date: November 13, 2022

Sunday, November 13, 2022
Zoom Call 7-8pm
Mr. Wells is a retired US Naval Captain (30 years of service), as well as a former military advisor to US Vice President Cheney.
You don’t want to miss this special presentation!

In addition to completing FC 9a, Scouts can also complete FC 10 by inviting a friend who is eligible to join BSA to attend this presentation.
Parents and siblings are also invited to attend but due to time constraints, they will not be able to actively participate in the Q&A.
In order for scouts to complete this requirement (FC9a), they must demonstrate active participation on the Zoom call:
– name label
– keep screen turned on
– ask at least 2 questions after the presentation
Ms. Joe will be emailing your PASM regarding your attendance/participation to ensure you can get signed off on this requirement.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 3627 1483
Passcode: Troop55

Sign up below...

What Name
What Name
Scouts #1: Collier Stoner
#2: Paul Kartye
#3: Graeme Hochberg
#4: William Hellinger
#5: Clement Ding
#6: Griffin Tull
#7: Lanham Dugan
#8: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#9: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#10: (empty) - sign-ups closed
PASMs #1: Bonnie Nelson
#2: Louise Joe
#3: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Instuctors/TGs#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#2: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#3: (empty) - sign-ups closed