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FCT Newsletter

Troop 55 First Class Trail (FCT) 2020 Spring/Summer Program with Social Distancing is designed to cover Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class requirements over May, June, July and August of 2020.

The first 30 days (May 15 – June 14) will cover Scout and Tenderfoot requirements. Second Class 30 Day Calendar (June 1-30) will cover 2nd Class requirements. Each day there will be at least one requirement to fulfill in the Scout, Tenderfoot, and Second Class rank. 

Following will be covered over the week (6/10 – 6/17):

Scout requirements (Starting from beginning – May 17-24): 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, and 2A

Tenderfoot requirements 4C, 6B, 6C, and 9

Second Class requirements 2A, 2G, 5C, 6A, 8B, 8D, 7A, and 10

For details or to look ahead for Scout and Tenderfoot click on the following link here

Second Class 30 Day Calendar (June 1-30) link:

Instruction Videos by Troop 55 Guides and Instructors:

Note: Username and Password are exact same as Troop 55 website.

Save the Date: FCT June Virtual Campout is June 26 – 28, 2020. Details will be posted soon.

You will need to contact your PASM and show your PASM by submitting a video, picture, or arranging a virtual meeting. Upon completion or satisfaction with your competency related to the requirement, your PASM will sign off on Scoutbook.

For Scout Rank advancement, you will need to contact your PASM to arrange a ScoutMaster Conference.

For Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class Rank advancement, you will need to contact your PASM to arrange a ScoutMaster Conference and then take the necessary steps to arrange a Board of Review. You will need to arrange with your PASM to have him/her physically sign-off your ScoutBook (BOR will require a copy of it).


Boards of Review

Any scout wishing to have a BOR for Rank Advancement must send an email to both Advancement ( and BOR ( requesting a BOR, attaching a scanned PDF copy of your handbook pages for the rank you are seeking (NO JPG FILES). We will cross-check the items signed off in your handbook with the items recorded in Scoutbook. Once everything is clear, we will reply to you with a BOR scheduling email.

Please note the following:

a) BOR will be performed via Zoom or similar platform. A private meeting link will be sent to the Scout prior to the scheduled meeting.

b) Scouts will be required to attend their video BOR appointment in full uniform, same as for a regular troop meeting.

c) A parent must be present at the beginning of the meeting to give consent for their Scout to be participating in a video BOR, but then must exit and may NOT participate in the BOR procedure. Parents are not normally allowed to attend BOR, so this will be no different. BOR panels include 3 YPT-trained adults, so your Scout will be covered for safety per BSA policy.

d) BOR forms will be completed by the designated BOR “secretary” and then submitted to advancement as usual. All BOR will be record in Scoutbook.

e) Once you earn rank, you are that rank. Even though we will not be able to get you patches, pins, and cards for some time, you are still that rank and may continue to work on requirements for your next rank. Rest assured you will still receive your awards at the next COH.