
FCT Newsletter – Feb 15, 2021


Troop 55 Virtual FCT Meeting

When: Tuesday, February 16, 7:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 921 8069 3001 Passcode: patrick
First Class Trail Patrol Breakout Meeting during Troop Meeting:

Intro to Hiking
TF-5a  Explain the importance of the buddy system as it relates to your personal safety on outings and in your neighborhood. Use the buddy system while on a troop or patrol outing.
TF-5b  Describe what to do if you become lost on a hike or campout.
TF-5c  Explain the rules of safe hiking, both on the highway and cross-country, during the day and at night.
Plan and Prepare for Brazos Bend State Park Campout


Brazos Bend State Park  – FCT & FCT Advanced Patrols

When: February 19-21, 2021
Where: 21901 FM 762, Needville, TX 77461
SIGN UP HERE – deadline is February 16
FCT and FCT Advanced: In the Doubleknot registration form, when you get to the question “Which campout program are you attending?” Select “FCT Patrol Camping” There will be no Troop-provided transportation.  Each scout/family must make their own transportation arrangements for driving to and from the campsite.  There will be no patrol-prepared food.  All scouts must bring their own food and food preparation gear.  The Troop will only arrange for boiling water.

Campout Schedule and Requirements:
Schedule can be found at the following link:

Compass Work
SC-3a   Demonstrate how a compass works and how to orient a map. Use a map to point out and tell the meaning of five map symbols.
SC-3b   Using a compass and map together, take a 5-mile hike.
SC-3c   Describe some hazards or injuries that you might encounter on your hike and what you can do to prevent them.
SC 3d  Demonstrate how to find directions during the day and at night without
using a compass or an electronic device.

Wild Animal Identification
SC-4    Identify or show evidence of at least 10 kinds of wild animals (such as birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, or mollusks) found in your local area or camping location. You may show evidence by tracks, signs, or photographs you have taken.

Native Plant Identification
FC-5a  Identify or show evidence of at least 10 kinds of native plants found in your local area or campsite location. You may show evidence by identifying fallen leaves or fallen fruit that you find in the field, or as part of a collection you have made, or by photographs you have taken.

Tread Lightly!
FC-1b  Explain each of the principles of Tread Lightly! And tell how you practiced them on a campout or outing.

Knot Tying – Tenderfoot Series
TF-3a  Demonstrate a practical use of the square knot.
TF-3b  Demonstrate a practical use of two half-hitches.
TF-3c  Demonstrate a practical use of the taut-line hitch.