Troop Guide

Troop Guide is one of the most important positions within the troop and therefore requires a commitment on your part. The Troop Guide is the de facto Patrol Leader for our FCT Patrols. His goal is to insure organized patrol operations while demonstrating to new scouts the ins and outs of the patrol method in BSA and within Troop 55 specifically. The troop guide reports to the patrol’s PASM, and works with him/her to help the new scouts in the patrol proceed with their advancement. The Troop Guide camps with their assigned FCT Patrol on campouts, sits with them at meetings, and represents the patrol at the monthly PLC.

Job Description:

The Troop Guide is the de facto Patrol Leader for the FCT Patrol.

Reports to:

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader of FCT
Patrol Assistant Scoutmaster (PASM)


1. Introduces new Scouts to troop and patrol operations.
2. Guides new Scouts to avoid harassment by older Scouts.
3. Helps the patrol learn to resolve basic problems entirely within the patrol, or in more
extreme cases, escalating to the PLC or appropriate adult.
4. Helps new Scouts earn First Class rank in their first year.
5. Coordinates with the ASPL(s) in charge of the First Class Trail program to stay on the
Troop’s schedule or to arrange for any needed requirements to be covered in make-up
6. Teaches basic Scout skills.
7. Coaches the patrol leader of the New Scout Patrol on his duties.
8. Works with the patrol leader at patrol leaders’ council meetings.
9. Attends patrol leaders’ council meetings with the patrol leader of the New Scout Patrol.
10. Assists the assistant Scoutmaster with training and confirms when scout requirements
have been performed satisfactorily for sign-off.
11. Counsels individual Scouts on Scouting challenges.
12. Coordinates with other Troop Guides for use of shared resources.
13. Sets a good example.
14. Enthusiastically and correctly wears the Scout uniform (all four parts).
15. Lives by the Scout Oath and Law.
16. Shows Scout spirit


• Star rank or above
• Camping Merit Badge
• NYLT required
Instructor or Patrol Leader experience highly recommended
The Scoutmaster may evaluate exceptions to these prerequisites on a case-by-case basis.

Performance and Advancement Expectations:

Troop Guide duties are ongoing until the new scout patrol has been absorbed into one or
more of the mixed-age permanent patrols.
• Have read, signed and kept a copy of Troop Leadership Agreement.
• Meet with the SM or his designee to establish your written advancement plan for the
leadership term.
• Maintain your service record for this Position of Responsibility for use in all Scoutmaster
• Schedule and complete monthly leadership Conferences after appointment
(approximately every 30 days) to review progress, performance, credit and plan for the
performance of the leadership position.
• Unless otherwise excused, a Troop Guide will:
• Attend weekly troop and patrol meetings.
• Attend all troop campouts.
• Camp with the new Scout patrol.
• Attend FCT Advancement Sessions.
• Attend PLC meetings.